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Welcome, Friends

The Chorus is a collection of beings, just beyond our sensory perception, who enjoy sharing their perspective of the human existence. To them, humanity is incredible. Their view of us – of what we were, and are, and will be – is full of infinite love. And if you hang out with them for a little while, you might start to feel that way about everything in Creation, too. And I mean everything.

My name is Katie and I channel The Chorus. I used to work in technology until my life started falling apart and The Chorus showed up…Or was it that The Chorus showed up and my life fell apart? Or was it that I showed up and The Chorus reminded me that we are the ones who give ourselves the experience of apart…

As you begin to explore their perspectives, you will come to understand why each of these options is – powerfully – true. Let’s get started.

“In your perception of us, what has really been achieved is an energetic proximity.
We exist on the wavelengths of love and light.

And thus you are also very near the wavelengths of love and light.”
-The Chorus

How To Explore Our Work

The Chorus shares news ideas related to humanity and awakening, ranging from high level concepts like consciousness, belief systems, realities and dimensions, to day-to-day topics like angry outbursts, fear, earning and more. You can explore and experience the perspectives of The Chorus via our Books, Podcast, and Live Sessions.


Book 1: The Book of Human Awakening

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By reader request, now available a in larger size!

In this channeled work, The Chorus provides an overview of their perspective on humanity’s awakening; how they understand our choice of limitation and everything we created by way of that resonance.

Though they recognize the many ups and downs we experience, they do not take issue with the “what” of our reality. Instead they express a loving why. Why us, why this, and why now.

And why you truly, sincerely and infinitely, cannot mess it up. You, your choice to be here, and every way you experience life here, is fundamentally right, purposeful and expansive.

Book 1 corresponds to Season 1 of our podcast, Our Next Existence.

Book 2: The Book of Human Remembrance

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In our second book, the Chorus provides new insights into time and memory. They open the aperture even wider on things we might have taken for granted, like history, forgetting, or even interruptions.

To them, Time is much more than when and how. Though it can be utilized to further limitation, it can also be an instrument of connection, an expression of freedom, and an amplifier of meaning and belonging.

And the surest sign that we, humans, are expanding into these things is our growing ability to remember, and to open to a sense of timelessness in ourselves, and in all others we meet.

Book 2 corresponds to Season 2 of our podcast, Our Next Existence.

“Humanity has an important history in the cosmos. Your creation
of limitation, of finiteness and insufficiency,
is perhaps one of the greatest gifts to all others in Creation.
And soon, you will remember why this is so.”
-The Chorus


Our Next Existence

Our Next Existence artwork

Our Next Existence builds on topics presented in the books. In each episode, I channel a message directly from The Chorus, then discuss the meaning of the message in the human context, often connecting it to popular culture, technology, or experiences I’ve had with these beings along the way. Each episode builds on the previous ones, much like a class. You can begin at episode one or follow your inspiration to a later episode.

Season 1 is about self-acceptance – a greater, deeper, more expansive allowing of all that we are, because Awakening into more of what we are has a lot to do with everything our species is experiencing right now. Tune in to find out more. // Season 01 Episode List
Season 1 corresponds to Book 1: The Book of Human Awakening.

Season 2 is about time and memory, including new perspectives on our ancient, ancient, ancient human history, how forgetting served our experience of limitation, and how we have embodied linearity in more ways than we perhaps knew. But now, we are remembering… // Season 02 Episode List
Season 2 corresponds to Book 2: The Book of Human Remembrance

Listen Now

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Recordings of Live Q&A sessions and interviews are available on our YouTube channel and Live page.

To see upcoming events, visit our Live page, follow us on social media, or subscribe to our newsletter.

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Thank You

We love that you have found us, that you are here. We are excited to see all that you are expanding into and will create.

We love you, infinitely,
Katie & The Chorus

Images: Sunset Coast by Casey Horner; Turquoise Waves by Aaron Burden; Sailboat & Night Sky by Hendrik Cornelissen all via Unsplash.com.